Your Tax Dollars at Work

There is something gratifying about seeing signs, like the one above, along the highway, when tractors and workers are busy improving a road. Knowing that a portion of the money that is taken out of our paycheck is being put to good use makes it a little less painful to contribute those dollars to our [...]

Stretchinnnnng Our Dollars

Most of us have probably faced the financial dilemma that occurs when there is more work to be done than there are funds available in the checking account to do the work.  The house may need painting, the car may need repairs, the kids may need new clothes.  The list goes on and on.  It [...]

The Importance Of Jobs

Working at a job, vocation or career is one of the critical pieces for most of our lives. A job provides income that we need to pay for our basic needs such as food, clothing, and a place to live. The amount of one’s income also determines what kind of extra things a person [...]

December 20th, 2016|How To Help|
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